Saturday, 2 May 2015

30 Before 30

Well, this is it: my last week of being in my mid 20s. Next Saturday, I turn 27. This news could be reason for many to have a bit of a meltdown, but not me. Instead of sitting in a corner of a dark room crying, I've decided to be productive and come up with a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. Some of the things on this list are small, some are big.

1. Get a flat with Lee.
2. Become a published author.
3. Go to Disneyland Paris.
4. Go to Disneyland California/ Walt Disney World in Florida.
5. Travel around Europe (not necessarily all in one go).
6. Start my own business.
7. Learn French.
8. Go to the opera.
9. Go to the Proms.
10. Read 200 books.
11. See the Marijinsky Ballet.
12. Meet all my blogging influences.
13. Write a children's book.
14. Get a Disney or Harry Potter tattoo.
15. Go to a wine tasting.
16. Go to a spa.
17. Buy a Kitchen Aid.
18. Get all the Disney classics on DVD.
19. Start working on my Open University degree again.
20. Buy a Mulberry Alexa.
21. Grow my hair to (hopefully) hip length.
22. Get good at baking/patisserie.
23. Adopt/sponsor an animal.
24. Buy some staple items for my wardrobe.
25. Get a sewing machine.
26. Organise a blogger event/meet up.
27. Go for afternoon tea at Claridges.
28. Get a kitten.
29. Go to a murder mystery dinner.
30. Make this blog successful.

So hopefully this will keep me busy and stop me having a breakdown.



  1. Well I've just turned 28! That's even scarier!

  2. I did a 20 things to do in my 20's list/blogpost, its always good to have a list of aims of big and small things. I enjoyed reading x
