Wednesday, 30 December 2015

What I Got For Christmas

Ahh, the old what I got for Christmas post, a post that divides the blogosphere at this time every year. I've never actually done one before, though, so I think it was high time I gave it a go. I'm not a typical 'blogger' in that I didn't get any make-up and hardly any clothes as presents, but I did get some things, so here they are:

I always get a number of books for Christmas, and this year was no different. I got two colouring books, a couple of recipe books and The Disney Book (which I think I may do a review of)

I am slowly collecting all of the Disney classics as you may know, so getting six of them for Christmas has been a blessing.

My main present this year was a sewing machine, which I haven't actually opened yet. I am itching to start cosplaying properly (and I am planning something else with it, but that's for another time) and this sewing machine is perfect for that.

I only got a couple of accessories this year, a bag with an owl's face on it, and a Minnie Mouse dressing gown.

I got a couple of miscellaneous presents this year: a Disney calendar, a bath set, sweets and a candle.

I'm very happy with my presents this year, as well as the presents I gave out. I love Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely assortment of gifts, but I've got to ask. What film strip did you get with your The Disney Book as I randomly got Nigel from Finding Nemo despite the fact it's meant to be from Brave. Others have got Brave or stills from La Luna which is the short that came before Brave.

