Friday, 12 February 2016

My Favourite Disney Cosplayers

With LSCC only just over a week away, I am starting to get excited about wearing my first proper cosplays out and about. In celebration of that, I am going to be sharing with you my favourite Disney cosplayers. (I'm not going to include Traci Hines in this because everyone knows she is the undisputed queen of Disney cosplay.)

I am going to start with my absolute favourite cosplayer, and the girl who made me want to cosplay: Briar Rose Cosplay. Her cosplays are absolutely stunning, and I get inspired by her creations every day.

This girl is quite possibly the most dedicated cosplayer I have ever seen. She is always making absolutely beautiful costumes, and she puts so much effort in to every single costume to make them extremely screen accurate. I always look forward to seeing what she's doing next, and she always work so hard.

Cat is someone who I found on Instagram first, and I absolutely adore her cosplays. She pays such attention to detail and her cosplays are always really well thought out and planned.

Who are your favourite Disney cosplayers? Or are you one yourself? You can follow my cosplay journey here, and I look forward to finding plenty more cosplayers to admire.


Photos from Briar Rose Cosplay, Hayley Smith Cosplayer and Once Upon A Dream Cosplay

1 comment:

  1. When I first looked at the top set of pictures I thought it was a whole range of different women - Briar Rose is so talented!

    Steph -
