Wednesday, 28 December 2016

2016 in Cosplay

So now that Christmas is over (boo) and we're getting to the end of the year, I thought it was an ideal time to start my end of the year posts, starting with a brand new one; cosplay. Cosplay has been, without a doubt, my favourite new discovery this year, and it is fast becoming one of my favourite hobbies. So I thought it would be right to start off my yearly round-up posts with this one. I didn't make as many cosplays as I had planned this year, but, seeing as it is my first proper year of cosplaying, I think it is a decent amount. So, here we go.

The first two cosplays I made this year were of my favourite princess: Aurora. I made these cosplays for LSCC, and, for my first two, I think they turned out ok. They were wonderful costumes to make, and I can't wait to remake them when I have a bit more practice under my belt.

The next cosplay I made was Elsa, which ended up being an absolute nightmare to do, and I wasn't 100% happy with it, but there's always an opportunity for a remake, right? I wore this one to May MCM.

The next cosplay I made was a remake of my Briar Rose cosplay to LFCC. I actually really liked this costume, even though my hemming had fallen down by the end of the day, which you can see in this photo. I always thought Briar Rose's skirt looked better when it was more pink rather than the grey which a lot of people make, so I loved wearing this one.

My final cosplay of the year was my Disney/ Sailor Moon crossover: Sailor Aurora at October MCM. I really enjoyed making this costume, and it has given me practice for a future cosplay I'm planning. I wore this as part of a group with a Sailor Snow White and a Sailor Jasmine, and it was such a fun day.

I have many many more cosplays planned (I am going to try and make 12 (eek) cosplays in 2017, so wish me luck) and you can follow my progress with them all on my cosplay page.


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