Monday, 24 April 2017

Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

A couple of weeks ago I started doing book reviews on Mondays, but then I stopped, and now that I've fallen behind on my reading challenge for the year (50 fyi) I decided to reinstate them, starting with a book I read a few weeks ago; the Phantom of the Opera. 

Now I have seen the musical and the film of this story many times in the past, but I had never thought of reading the book, until I saw it in a charity shop for £1.50, because it'd be rude not to, right? The book is written really well, and I love that it follows the story of the musical that we all know. It even adds more to the story, which adds an extra layer to this tragic love story. In this book, the phantom is referred to as a ghost, which, although sounds less poetic than a phantom, still, in my opinion, accurately describes what most people think of the phantom. I like that Christine seems more, in a way, possessed by the phantom, and the angel of music persona is more focused upon. 

Overall, I really liked this book, it draws parallels to the musical and adds extra to it. I would recommend it to anyone.


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