Sunday, 3 December 2017

My Christmas Bucket List

Welcome to another day of blogmas (the reason there was no post yesterday is because I’m cheating and only blogging six days a week as I’m also doing vlogmas) and today I’m doing one of my favourite things; a bucket list. It’s just a short list of things I want to do this Christmas season.

1. Take a trip to the Christmas markets.
2. Do some Christmas baking.
3. Complete blogmas and vlogmas.
4. Go for a Christmas meal with Lee.
5. Go and see a Christmas film at the cinema.
6. Have as many festive evenings as I can.
7. Watch The Nutcracker.
8. Read a Christmas book.
9. Have a fun Christmas party.
10. Have a great festive season.

These are just a few of the things I want to do to keep in the festive spirit, and ensure I have a great Christmas.


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