Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Summer Bucket List

With the start of the meteorological Summer on Monday (even though it definitely doesn't feel like it) I thought it'd be a perfect time to share my Summer bucket list with you. I've not done very well with these lists so far, so I'm determined to complete this one. So, without further ado, here we go:

1. Get to Disneyland flipping Paris.
2. Make my own lemonade.
3. Make my own ice lollies.
4. Eat outdoors as often as possible.
5. Make a daisy chain.
6. Go swimming.
7. Go to the beach.
8. Use my Instax camera more.
9. Get back into baking.
10. Try a new place to eat.

I've reduced my list to ten this time, as I think it's far more achieveable, hopefully I'll get them all done, I'll keep you all updated.


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