Tuesday, 29 December 2015

2015 in Outfits

Whilst I do try to be a bit more lifestyle oriented on this blog, a fair few of my posts are still outfit based. I think this is because a. I like to use them to break up the other posts and b. My life isn't that interesting, so the lifestyle posts on their own would be boring. Seeing as it is yearly round-up time in the blogosphere, I thought now would be a great time to show you my favourite outfits of 2015. So, here we go.


January saw me wearing all of my Christmas present items of clothing at once, with the pinup-esque dress being my favourite. In February I picked up this Disney princess tee from Primark and subsequently wore it at all times. Spring was the season of the 70s, which I only dipped my toes into with this skirt in March. In my April Glitterati box, I received a cute set of sparkly bunny ears on a headband, so I chose that and my pinup dress as my Easter outfit. In May, I decided to get some older items out of my wardrobe and wear them as a new combination. June saw warm days, and the daisy skirt was a perfect addition to my Summer wardrobe.


In July, I wore my daisy skirt again a lot, and paired it with blue a lot. As is usual in England, August was a pretty dreary month, so I opted for some fail safe items. September saw me wearing my favourite Autumn dress that was actually designed for Spring, and a new deep toned headband from Crown and Glory. In October, I bought a pastel pink high necked jumper, which I was extremely happy with and wore all the time with all the other pastels. In November I got another Disney themed item of clothing from Primark, this time a jumper. And finally, in December, I wore a festive jumper.

I can't wait for my outfits of 2016.


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