Monday, 22 April 2019

One Pink Tree, Four Different Outfits

Now we all know how much I love a pink tree, and pink clothing, so when I got the idea to take some pictures in front of one of the big cherry blossom trees in our local park, I decided to make it a bit of a feature, and, due to me having not done an outfit post on here in a while, I thought I would do four. 

As is typical with me, 90% of the clothes are no longer available to buy, but I thought I’d showcase them anyway, as I definitely wear more older clothes than new ones, and what is this blog other than realistic about my penchant for never wearing current clothing? 

I hope you’ve all had a great Easter weekend, mine has been filled with fun, sun, and plenty of chocolate, which I will tell you all about in another post soon.


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