Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Disney Tag

Disney is such a big part of my life, I absolutely love it. I used to hide away my love of Disney, because I felt "too old" to still enjoy it. But I decided to embrace my love of Disney last year, (you can see more about this here) so when I saw this Disney tag over on Rach and Emma, I knew I had to give it a go. So here we go.

1. Favourite Disney character.
I'm going to say Princess Aurora for this one, because she is my favourite princess and I love the princesses.

2. Favourite Disney movie.
This is a tough one. I want to say Aladdin because that has my favourite songs in, but I think, again, it has to be Sleeping Beauty.

3. Favourite Disney scene.
When Elsa changes her dress whilst singing Let It Go.

4. Favourite Disney memory.
I think going to the opening of the Manchester Disney Store and meeting Beauty & the Beast. Or getting Cinderella's autograph.

5. Favourite Disney song.
Any song from Aladdin. Prince Ali probably.

6. What is your go to Disney movie?
The Little Mermaid, I watch it all the time.

7. First trip to a Disney park.
I think, but don't quote me on this, that I went to Disneyland Paris when it first opened. We've got the grand opening on video I think.

8. What is your favourite Disney park & ride?
I can't answer this one, because I've not been to Disneyland in twenty years.
This was when I last went:
I'm the child with the pink pants on, nothing's changed there, then.

9. Most emotional Disney moment.
There are a few really obvious answers to this one: Bambi's mum, the beginning of Up, the Genie being set free (since Robin Williams died), but I'm going to say when Mufasa dies, which is probably another really obvious one but it's the one I remember most from my childhood.

10. If you could pick any character who would be your best friend?
Belle, because we both love reading.

I am actually surprised with some of my answers, because I didn't mention my childhood favourite (Pocahontas) once. I still love you, Poca. How do your answers compare with mine?


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