Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Glitterati February Box

Yay, it's Glitterati box time! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a monthly box of hair goodies from Crown and Glory, and it is so worth it! This month's box is a themed one as it's obviously Valentine's Day this week, so there's hearts a plenty in this month's box.

Because me and Lee aren't massive on buying each other loads of Valentine's stuff, this card is perfect. We're each going to write in one side of it.

Love barrette

Pink and blue sparkly clip in fascinator.

Heart headband.

Heart hairclips.

And this heart band.

How amazing is this month's box? Great job once again Sophie. I'm already looking forward to all the Spring goodies that boxes for the next few months will bring too.


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