Thursday 5 February 2015


T-shirt, skirt- Primark
Cardigan- Warehouse
Coat, shoes- Topshop

It's no secret that I'm a big Disney fan (I'm actually wearing Bambi slippers whilst typing this), so when I saw this t-shirt on Disney pro fan Megan's Instagram, I knew I had to get one myself. Cue me the very next day rushing into Primark on my dinner hour to find it. Luckily, that didn't take too long and I still had plenty of time to eat my soup, but I digress. This t-shirt is the main focus of this post Nic, not your leek & potato soup. 

Anyway, I decided to go all-out princess (sans crown) for this outfit. I once heard a little girl tell her mum that she thought I was a princess once whilst wearing this skirt, so it's princessy to me, and obviously I wore a cardigan because it's super cold STILL. I can definitely see myself getting a lot of wear out of this t-shirt in the future.
