Monday, 27 June 2016

A Day at MCM Expo

About a month ago now, I went to my first MCM Expo in London. I took loads of photos and footage for a nice long vlog, then disaster struck. My SD card got stuck in my computer and, in the process of getting it out, it broke and took all of my photos and videos out with it. So since then, I've been debating how to blog about my day at MCM, but, after coming up with exactly nothing, I decided to sit and write this post. So, I'll just go chronogically, I think.

We got to the ExCel at around 11, and were actually overwhelmed. We had never been to MCM before, we went to LSCC in February, but the sheer amount of difference in the size of the two events was unbelievable! MCM took up pretty much the whole space, and there were so many stalls, I don't even think we got round them all. 

I ended up missing the Disney meet up, which I was gutted about because they look like so much fun, but I did see a lot of Disney cosplayers and had photos taken with a lot of kids who recognised my cosplay. I am upset that I lost all my photos because I took loads but oh well, there's always October.

One of the things we definitely knew we wanted to do was go to the Gotham panel, which we did, and it was really good. Erin, who plays Barbara, answers lots of questions both about herself and Gotham, and she was a lovely lady, she's definitely confirmed Barbara as my favourite character in Gotham.

After the panel, we went alpaca hunting, and I found an adorable pink one, that I named Bubblegum. I also got a Moon Stick and some sweet treats before we left the con, excited for October as we headed back to Euston for our train. The moral of this story is to make sure I can go for more than one day next time, and also to put my photos/videos on my laptop as soon as I get home.


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