Monday, 6 March 2017

Spring Bucket List

I try and do a Spring bucket list every year without fail, and, while I usually do fail at completing them every year, I still like to make these lists, as they teach me to enjoy every little moment, so, here I am again with another list, I hope I manage to do all the things on the list; it's only 10 things so I will, as usual, remain hopeful.

1. Get back into baking.
2. Go on some day trips.
3. Make three new cosplays.
4. Start scrapbooking.
5. Write more.
6. Go on a picnic.
7. Discover a new manga series.
8. Take more photographs.
9. Go on holiday somewhere new.
10. Visit a new park.

There we have it. I think it is a pretty manageable list. I hope so anyway. Spring is my favourite season so I am looking forward to the less gloomier days. I really hate Winter. 


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