Monday, 12 March 2018

Spring Bucket List

I know technically Spring hasn’t arrived yet, but meteorological Spring has, and I like to box my seasons off on the 1st of the month, thus, Spring has started in my eyes. So, with that in mind, I thought I’d do a little list of things I want to do this Spring.

1. See the Festival of Pirates and Princesses at Disneyland Paris. At least once.
2. Discover a new author.
3. Do some reading/ writing outdoors.
4. Do some Easter baking.
5. Go somewhere new.
6. Try something new.
7. Get an entire novel draft written.
8. Get a picnic basket.
9. Make daisy chains.
10. Not freak out over the birthday I have coming up.

I’m keeping everything crossed that I actually do everything on my list this year, I am determined.


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