The greatest news ever to grace Netflix was announced in January: the Studio Ghibli films were being added on the 1st of every month for February, March and April seven at a time, and my inner web was elated at the news. So I decided that, every month, I’d rank the seven films, from least to most favourite, and my reasons why. So, without further ado, here is my ranking for the first seven to be added.
7. Tales from Earthsea
Now, before I start, I don’t think any of these films are boring. However, this one just did not grab me at all. I think it is because it is based on short stories, but the whole thing felt a bit disjointed, and not really about dragons as the Netflix description states.
6. Only Yesterday
One of the things I love about the Ghibli films is their emphasis on the natural world and nature, it makes them feel pastoral and I am here for that, but this one was about not much more than the countryside, and, as a city girl, it wasn’t for me.
5. Porco Rosso
This one was Sam’s favourite, and I loved the outfits, the fact Susan Egan was in it, and the general vibe of the story. The only reason it’s in the lower end of this ranking is the characters, I liked them but didn’t love them, if that makes sense?!
4. My Neighbour Totoro
Ok, don’t. I love this film as much as the next gal, and before they started adding the films on Netflix it was in my top three for sure, it’s a classic, and perfectly whimsical. I do love Totoro still, but the two other films that have bumped it down were personally more enjoyable for me.
3. Ocean Waves
Other than that slap, I absolutely loved this film. I really liked the main characters, the main girl especially, and I love the angle of the story told from an albeit slightly male gaze perspective . I also love the fact it was subbed, as I was expecting all dubs, so that also came as a pleasant surprise.
2. Castle in the Sky
Oh, Laputa. This film was absolutely stunning. I loved the myth/urban legend aspect of the story, I thought it was magical, mysterious and wonderful, as someone who finds steampunk fascinating I also adored that, and I enjoyed every single minute of it from start to finish.
1. Kiki’s Delivery Service
If I were to rank every film I’ve ever seen ever, then this film would be in my top 5. It has always, and I suspect will always be my number 1 favourite Ghibli film, it’s just stunning. I have no bad words to say about this film; it’s simply breathtaking. If you haven’t already, go and watch it now, you will not regret it.
There we have it; my first of these posts. I’ll do one at the end of March and April. I’d love to know everyone else’s rankings too, so come tell me over on Twitter.
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