Thursday, 23 April 2020

It’s Been A While

Well hello there, it’s been a long while since I’ve done this. To be honest, I’ve been feeling very unmotivated lately, and since the C-word hit, I’ve been feeling it even more so, but I’m trying to take baby steps to feeling ok again, so I thought I would make a start by writing something, even if it does come out a bit like word vomit.

So how has everyone been spending lockdown? I’m still working, but I have been grateful to have a lot of blossom trees in our local park, which I have been admiring on my allotted outside time. I have a few ideas for blog posts, so I’m putting it out into the universe (or, internet) that I’m going to try and revamp this little space here, because, when I’m feeling motivated, I absolutely love doing it. 

Keep everything crossed for me, ok?


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