Tuesday, 14 October 2014

To Read

Yesterday I thought to myself, 'I'm never going to be able to blog if the weather stays like this'. It made me really sad, I love blogging and the rain and wind have been hindering me of late. Then, after thinking about it for a few hours, I came up with a solution: if I can't take outfit photos for an outfit post, then talk about something that you don't need the weather on your side to be able to talk about. So this post is my first step to doing that, and what better way to do this than by talking about possibly my favourite thing in the world: reading.

I've always loved reading, ever since I was a child. Back then, I used to read Roald Dahl and Sweet Valley twins/high; I even used to write my own Sweet Valley stories, but that is for another post. Then, I discovered the Classics. They made me continue to love reading into my teens, a time when a lot of young people stop loving books, and I still read them today.

I also like to challenge myself when reading; it keeps my brain active and stops me moping around on a chilly day. So when I saw The 1001 Books to Read Before you die, I knew I had to get it. And, whilst there are a few of my all time favourites missing (hello, Harry Potter), it is a great way to ensure you read the greats. I've only actually read 85 so far, but I'm getting through it.

The other little challenge I set myself this year is on Goodreads. At the start of every year, you can set yourself a little goal of how many books you'd like to read that year. Mine is 50, and, as you can see from the picture, I'm doing pretty well. I've only got ten left to go. Maybe next year I'll have to do 60. 

I thought I'd end this little rambly post by showing you the book I'm currently reading, All Quiet on the Western Front. I'm only 25 pages in but so far I really like it. I may start doing book reviews on here, is this something that'd interest anyone?

Do you love reading too?



  1. Yes, do some reviews! I loved all quiet on the western front & the regeneration trilogy!

  2. You have so many books! I love reading too especially on rainy awful days!

    Salt and Chic // UK Fashion Blog
