Sunday, 6 March 2016

A Day at the Lakes

Last Saturday, myself and Lee took our first day trip of 2016, to Windermere in the Lake District. We got the train from Manchester at around 9am, and, after a quick change at Preston, we were well on our way. We got to the Lake District at around 11am, ready to spend a full day there. We walked around the little town of Windermere for a little bit and then headed down to Lake Windermere (the biggest lake in England) in the neighbouring town of Bowness.

The lake itself was spectacular, and we spent a fair few hours just taking in the view, with Lee taking plenty of pictures along the way. We went to see the Beatrix Potter attraction, but, as it was the school holidays, it was super busy so we didn't go in. We did, however, go on a cruise of the lake, which was informative as well as picturesque. After a lovely meal of chips and burgers, we walked around a bit longer before heading home for the evening, filled with wonderful memories of the day, and eager to plan another day trip.


1 comment:

  1. Wow looks lovely! My Mum and Dad go to Lake Distract all the time for holidays and they love it! I really need to go at some point :) Great pictures!

    John ¦ Shout John
