So yesterday, I turned 28, eek. It's about a year since I wrote my 30 before 30 list, and since then I have done one update (I made a mental note to do an update every six months) so I'm here to do my next update, plus a few amendments. I'll start with the updates, and then I'll go on to the amendments.
13. Write a children's book
I did this one for NaNoWriMo last year, and am still tweaking it, but I am quite proud of it, and I'm thinking about trying to get it published.
6. Start my own business
This one is not technically "done" yet, but I am currently underway with planning for it.
18. Get all the Disney classics on DVDs
Another ongoing one.
10. Read 200 books
I am almost half way through this one, having read 91 since I started this list.
25. Get a sewing machine
I got a sewing machine for Christmas, and use it to do all my cosplays.
And now on to the amendments. First, I'll state what the original goal was and then I'll tell you what I'm changing it to and why.
Meet all my blogging influences, which I am going to change to
Meet as many Disney bloggers/vloggers as possible.
The reason I am changing this one is because my blog has changed over the past year, with much more of a Disney focus on it these days, so I have decided I want to meet as many of my fellow Disney bloggers and vloggers as I can.
Buy some staple items for my wardrobe, which I am going to change to
Have fun with fashion.
Now that I'm getting into the end of my 20s, I've decided I'm not really bothered about judgy people judging me for what I wear. I think fashion is all about having fun with the way you dress, life is too short to be all serious all the time, so if I want to wear a top with My Little Pony on it, I will.
Have afternoon tea at Claridges, which I am going to change to
Have afternoon tea at Sketch.
The only explanation I need to give here is the fact that Sketch is pink.
Hopefully these amendments will make this list a far more realistic one now that I've only got two years left to do it all.
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