Sunday, 15 January 2017

All Pink Everything


Shirt Dress, Boots- Primark / Coat- Topshop

I really like pink. So when my parents said they were buying me clothes for Christmas, I knew I wanted a lot of pink. This shirt dress was one of the things I got; though I ummed and ahhed over it for a long time. On the one hand, I loved the colour, and the design on the back, but I was also terrified that it'd look awful on me (I don't really ever try clothes on), so I was made up when it didn't cling to all the wrong places, and I've been wearing it pretty regularly since.

With me really liking the colour pink, I have also had another change this weekend; I've dyed my hair rose gold. Not that you can tell in these photos, for some reason, on camera my hair doesn't look anywhere near as pink as it actually is...


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