Sunday 24 April 2016

The Outfits I'm Taking to Disneyland Paris

It's so near to my Disney trip now! I leave tomorrow for London because it's waaaay cheaper to go from there, so today involved packing and sorting out my last minute bits. So today, I thought I'd show you all the outfits I'm planning to take. They're all Disney themed, because, naturally you wear Disney clothes to Disneyland. And here they are:

This is what I'm planning on travelling in, as it's easy to just slip on.

These are my tops; I've got the jumper to put on at night for when I inevitably get cold. The two tshirts are my favourites to wear at Disney, as they're both princess themed.

I've packed two skirts, nice patterned ones as my tops are kind of plain.

And these are the outfits in full.


Saturday 23 April 2016

Saturday Catch Up / Disney Vlogs

Prints from Danielle / Magic Stars hot chocolate / a week until Disneyland / blossom / new phone background / kitty spam / my last character meet / wig browsing

This week I have been... Working, reading, planning for DLP, being booked to go to Cafe Mickey, making plans for when I've been paid, planning cosplays.

On a little side note to this post, I'm in Disneyland Paris this week! I will be vlogging, so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see the videos when I'm back.


Wednesday 20 April 2016

My Disneyland Paris April Trip Bucket List

So I know I told you all a couple of weeks back that I was going to Disneyland Paris in May for my birthday, but now I'm going on the huge Twitter people's trip that's happening next week. So, with that in mind, I thought I'd do a little trip bucket list. 

1. Go on Space Mountain.
2. Go on It's A Small World.
3. Have a character meal.
4. Watch the Forest of Enchantment show.
5. Join in the flash mob.
6. Watch all the parades on both days.
7. Get an Annual Pass.
8. Get a decent view of Dreams.
9. Get a Glowtini.
10. Be the last on Main Street.

I hope I manage to get through this list, I'm going for two days rather than just the one I usually go for, so fingers crossed for me. If you're going on the big trip too, let me know.


Tuesday 19 April 2016

Disneyland Paris Wishlist

All items Disney Store.

I don't know if I've told any of you, but I'm going to Disneyland Paris next week! I'm going with a few other bloggers/youtubers/tweeters, and there are loads of us going, so I'm looking forward to it. In honour of my trip, I am dedicating the next seven days to Disneyland Paris themed posts, starting with a good old wishlist.

I've started with pins, seeing as I've decided to start collecting pins. I really want the Aurora and Philip 2016 pin, but it might be sold out by now (I really hope not) so I've put the Mickey & Minnie on the list too. The other two pins are a Swing into Spring limited edition one, and one of the castle that I saw on Instagram. I've also put a couple of drinking items on the list, a wine glass and a mug, and this adorable apron (I like how it has Paris things on it too) and the castle cake mould.

I hope I manage to find at least a couple of these items next week, wish me luck.


Sunday 17 April 2016

Sunday Catch Up

Sleeping Beauty stained glass / Sunday breakfast / Monday feels / Disneyland Paris' anniversary / a night of Tangled / 11 days until Disney.

First up, sorry for posting this a day late, I completely forgot about it. Anyway, this week started off just the same as every other week, just work as usual, then I got my holiday dates confirmed and so I booked an impromptu holiday to Disneyland Paris. So now I'm going there on the 26th & 27th, that weekly catch up will be super fun.

This week I have been... Booking a holiday, planning who I'm meeting up with, this week has pretty much been all about Disneyland Paris.


Friday 15 April 2016

The Disney Princess Tag

I love a good Disney tag, so today I'm going to be doing the Disney princess tag, which I've been tagged to do a couple of times now. I'm including Anna and Elsa too.

1. Which princess do you like the least?
Snow White.

2. Which princess do you adore the most?
Aurora, she is just my absolute favourite.

3. Which princess do you relate to the most?
Whenever I do these quizzes on Buzzfeed, I end up with two answers: Belle and Rapunzel. Belle because I read a lot and love adventure I guess, and Rapunzel because I am just as enthusiastic and life-loving. But I guess I'll say Belle.

4. Which sidekick do you wish you had?
Oh my god, Meeko, he's my favourite ever.

5. Which best friend(s) would you love to hang out with? 
Can I say Meeko again for this? Oh no Lottie actually.

6. Which prince would you love?
Philip please.

7. Which parents would raise you?
I think Tiana's, so they can teach me to work hard for my dream.

8. Which castle do you want to live in? 
I want to live in le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant.

9. Which dress do you want to own?
Cinderella 2015. 

10. Which voice do you wish you had?
Ariel's. I want mermaid everything, so I'll start with a mermaid voice.

11. Which two princesses would be best friends?
Ooh, good one. I think Rapunzel and Ariel, as they're both full of curiosity and adventurous.

12. Which two princesses do you think would hate each other?
Merida and Cinderella.

13. Which two sidekicks would make a good duo?
Meeko and Pascal would be brilliant.

14. Which two princes would be best friends?
Aladdin and Flynn, they're both rogues after all.

15. Which scene makes you cry?
The lantern scene. Every. Single. Time.

16. Which scene makes you cheer?
When Eric stabs Ursula with the trident.

17. Which movie is your favourite soundtrack?

18. Which scene makes you cringe the most?
The scene where Hans turns out to be evil. 

19. Which story do you wish was your own? 
That is a hard one. I'm going to go with Belle's, just because of the library.

20. Which movie do you love the most?
Sleeping Beauty. It's just so beautiful.

I tag everyone who wants to join in the princess fun.


Wednesday 13 April 2016

March Favourites

I am well aware that it is the middle of April now so this post is a bit late, but I had a bit of a bad blogger time recently, so I didn't post it. I was also debating doing this as a video, but I decided this month to just do my favourites as a blog post.

Disney Prints

I ordered these prints from Danielle's Etsy store, and I'm so glad I did. I picked the four smaller ones to put as a collage-type thing, and the bigger one came free with them from Danielle. What a sweetheart.

I think it's a well known fact that I read a lot, so when I decide I really want a book, I will make sure I get it. That was the case with this Hunchback of Notre Dame book, I looked in all my local Waterstones numerous times to no avail, and then one Sunday I popped in to Oxfam Books and found a copy. The little Shakespeare book was a gift from my parents, who went to Stratford Upon Avon.

Sailor Moon Manga
If you read my Spring bucket list, you will know I want to read all the Sailor Moon manga this Spring. I bought 5 and 6 in March, so now I'm half way through, yay.

Elsa Fabric
In March, I got confirmation that I will be going to MCM in May, so I need to get cracking on my cosplays. So I ordered this fabric for Elsa.

Yankee Candle
I bought this large Jelly Bean Yankee Candle from the Easter range as a little treat to myself, and I've had it lit every evening since. I've never had a big jar before, I always opt for medium jars usually, so this one has been quite a treat.

Marie Tsum Tsum
I finally bought one of the bigger (medium) Tsum Tsums. I knew it had to be Marie, because I just love her.


Sunday 10 April 2016


Blouse- Primark / skirt- New Look (both old)

It feels like Spring is barely here/will never arrive this year, so when days like this happen, they need fully embracing. That was my thought process today, when the week of terrible weather stopped for a day, I threw off my big coat for a day and put on a blouse. It's an old blouse from Primark that I don't wear anywhere near as often as I should, and when I do wear it I'm always glad I did. I've paired it here with possibly my absolute favourite warm weather skirt from New Look, and went to the park for some photos. Now I just need it to get warm enough to ditch the tights/wear skin coloured tights. Come on England, you can do it.


Saturday 9 April 2016

Saturday Catch Up

My favourite Instagram account (Megan) / I made myself into a Powerpuff Girl / got a medium Marie Tsum Tsum / blossoms on a grey day / filming Disney videos for YouTube / Gilmores / Batman graphic novel / hit the 30 days until Disney mark / an evening of Sailor Moon.

I am such a bad blogger lately, I only posted once between last week's Saturday catch up and today. I have loads of ideas, but I think I've been getting lazy, I will be changing that next week. This week has been quite a quiet one really, I've not done much except dream about Disneyland.

This week I have been...finishing my Easter eggs, watching Gilmore Girls, getting back into YouTube, watching Sailor Moon, finding new Disney bloggers to follow, joining in the Disney Bloggers Chat for the first time in weeks, wishing the weather would get nicer, reading.


Tuesday 5 April 2016

The Disneyland Paris Annual Pass Part One: Classic

It was in a Twitter message between some fellow Disney bloggers and I that the topic of conversation of Disneyland Paris Annual Passports came up. In the conversation, I and many others had quite a lot of questions about the annual passes, the different ones and their benefits, so I thought I'd do a little three part series on here, one part for each pass, incorporating an interview with a Disney blogger/vlogger who has each pass, and to start with, we will be talking about the Classic pass.

Here are the official facts about the Classic pass, as indicated on the Disneyland Paris website...

The most pocket-friendly choice at €135
Admission on 280 days.
10% discount in the Disneyland® Paris shops and restaurants
From €109 (€0.99 tourist tax /adult/night not included ) for one night at Disney's Hotel Santa Fe® and / or Disney 's Hotel Cheyenne®
Plus plenty more perks...

The blackout days of this pass can be found here.

My blogger interview for this pass comes from Sarah, who has this annual pass.

1. Why did you choose the AP you did?
Purely due to price, it worked out same cost as the 3 day ticket
2. What are the benefits of your AP to you?
10% discount on food & merchandise were a huge benefit for me, being able to return and not have to worry about tickets was a bonus ;)
3. Do the blackout dates affect you in any way?
No, due to not being restricted when I can go I find them easy enough to work around
4. Would you ever consider upgrading your ap?
I was considering a few times for the 20% merchandise discount and to be able to go over Halloween but think I've decided against it now
5. Was the process of getting your AP easy?
Extremely, applied via post and just sent completed form, passport size photo and photocopy of passport. Had my pass arrive within about 10 working days

6. Would you recommend your type of AP?

If you can work around the blackout days, don't mind no EMH if you're off site then absolutely, it's a bargain

Annual passes can be bought on site or by calling Disney, the number is listed on their website.

I hope you all found this little piece on the first Annual Pass helpful, part two will be coming soon.


Saturday 2 April 2016

Saturday Catch Up

New Yankee candle / Easter / Cinderella's anniversary / a couple of Easter treats / Tigger / bath bomb / Frozen mug / Disney and chocolate / rabbit jumper.

So this week I was in a bus crash so I've not really been doing much else other than sitting round recovering from my back pain from that. I also went to watch Batman v Superman this week, which I quite enjoyed (soz). 

This week I have been...playing Magic Kingdoms, watching films, eating chocolate and generally feeling rubbish.

Next week's catch up will hopefully be a bit more fun and cheery.
