Monday, 22 May 2017

MCM Bucket List

As you may or may not know, MCM London is this weekend. My first con of the year has finally rolled around, so naturally, I have some things that I definitely want to do, so today I have a new bucket list. I, as usual, am cosplaying, and so a few of the things on this list are cosplay related. It's also the first time I've been able to go to MCM for a couple of days, so I am sure I will achieve everything in this list. So, without further ado, here are ten things I want to do at this year's May MCM Expo.

1. Have a cosplay photo shoot with a photographer.
2. Meet and have a photo with KJ Apa in my retro Betty Cooper cosplay.
3. Make a cosplay music video.
4. Watch the cosplay masquerade.
5. Go to a celebrity panel.
6. Get a yellow alpaca.
7. Try and get to a cosplay meet up.
8. Buy some cute merch.
9. Find Disney pin lady.
10. Do as much fun stuff as I can.

I love going to comic con, so needless to say I am very excited, and I'm glad that my 2017 con season has finally kicked off. My Cosplays are the ones in the picture above, so if you see me, come and say hey.


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